The Pink Hulk: One Woman’s Journey to Find the Superhero Within
by Valerie David
The Theater at The 14th Street Y, East Village, NYC
Now battling breast cancer after fighting off lymphoma, Valerie does something most people facing cancer in their life probably wouldn't think of doing. With a fear that she might lose “the girls”, she takes them out for one last hurrah. And does Valerie succeed? Is there a "happy" ending? Come see the show to find out! This sexy, adventurous solo show follows Valerie's journey to seek her own "hulk-like" strength to find her superhero within to become a 3-time cancer survivor. An empowering and true story of inspiration for anyone facing ANY adversity in their own lives! With plenty of humor—guaranteed!
“Watching Valerie David perform The Pink Hulk: One Woman’s Journey to Find the Superhero Within is something so rare and so marvelous; it is the most powerful and poignant two hours I have ever spent at a theater. Her performance is life changing, not life forgetting, and we should all be a little grateful that there are people like Valerie David to lighten the way. Her journey on stage can barely be called “acting” because of how genuine it is – as though a light emanates from her very soul to make both her
and her performance glow.”
- Kristen Morale, BroadwayWorld, October 2019
“[The Pink Hulk] is highly entertaining. For anyone who has had a major setback in life, this will give you hope that it doesn’t have to defeat you.”
– Eva Heinemann’s Hi! Drama Review, October 2019
“Valerie’s energy is infectious and uplifting. The Pink Hulk is sobering and soothing antidote for feeling alone in struggling with cancer.”
– Melinda’s Malarky Around The Apple Review, October 2019