Hurricane Sleep
A Sonata of Floating & Drowning or A Play that Pours Itself Out
Written by Andrea Goldman / Co-Directed by Andrea Goldman & Julia Watt
The Box Collective at IATI Theater, East Village, NYC
A new female-centered experimental play about trauma and how healing begins with the most intimate self to reverberate through dimensions of time and being, Cast includes George Bass*, Shashwat Gupta, Neysa Lozano, Rachel Schmeling and Heaven Stephens*. *Member, AEA.
Set in New York City during Hurricane Sandy, Sal finds herself trapped in a flooding bodega alongside a local girl named Ome. This claustrophobic setting will become Sal’s canvas to rapidly flow, like the fast winds that menace the building, in a journey of self-discovery while facing the ghosts from the past and the dreads of the future. Between boxed wine, ayahuasca and maybe a séance, it is disaster that brings us closer together and true intimacy is found when we least expect it. Challenging the traditional (and usually male established) dramatic structure, Hurricane Sleep is a female-centered piece that explores the complexity of identity when the most intimate parts of the human mind – dreams, longings, and memories –run free and become tangible. The flow of movement and language uses specific Holistic Actor techniques to bring the narrative to a visceral place.