A Southern Fairytale
By Ty Autry
Frigid Festival / The Kraine Theater, NYC
Based on true events, A Southern Fairytale artfully illuminates the challenges facing a young, gay Christian growing up in the Deep South. As we accompany the protagonist through multiple journeys into and out of the closet, the audience emotionally connects with the very real impacts of conversion therapy, excommunication, and a father who believes that a demon has possessed his son.

"Chilling." "Revealing." "Charming." "Evocative." "The dynamic one man show was delivered with humor, pathos, and camp by Autry.”
— Steve Nardoni / Theater Pizzazz
"It’s such a beautifully written and performed piece about the queer southern Christian experience. It’s unique and lovely, and if you’re looking for something new and fresh in LGBTQ+ theatre, this is your show.”
— Emily Bennett / Reviews from the Bridge
"Autry as Belmont is infectious, with his wide, bright smile and energy that can fill a stage. He has perfect timing.... The story is sobering at times and makes you realize the thousands of kids who will have to go through the same thing.”
— Joseph Donia / ThinkingTheater NYC